Magazine F is a food documentary magazine co-created by Magazine B and Baemin, which introduces one particular ingredient that has had a significant impact on people’s table.
Baemin has become a critical mover and shaker in South Korean contemporary food culture, and B provides a balanced view on brands through multi-layered stories. This collaboration brings together these two areas of expertise in F, which is hoped to become a record of essential ingredients and food culture of our time.
Beer is brewed from barley, hops, and water, and it is considered the most popular alcoholic beverage in human history. Roughly separated into lagers and ales depending on fermentation, lagers account for nearly 80 percent of all beer sold in the global market by big-name brands. The aughts saw a boom in craft beer comparable to the third wave of coffee. Primarily served by small breweries and always pushing the envelope for better quality, craft beer has made beer personal again. The emphasis on creating unique flavors also gave birth to new visions, like microbrews and gypsy brewing, through which craft beer evolves relentlessly in brewing methods or production practices, all the while adapting to new culinary trends with non-alcoholic beers or beer pairings at fine dining restaurants.